A flashcard or flash card is a card bearing information on both sides, which is intended to be used as an aid in memorization. Each flashcard bears a question, number or a picture on one side and an answer on the back part of the card. During the making of my flashcards, it is not really that difficult for me to make because I have already the idea on what topic I am going to use through flashcards. Also, I printed the pictures so what I did was only cutting the pictures out of the paper. After cutting the pictures, I covered the entire picture with a scotch tape to make it more durable. But I made an extra careful in taping the flashcard because it might damage the entire card if it is not properly tape. The topic I chose in presenting a flashcard was not that difficult, in fact it is predictable when the learners saw the pictures, they easily guessed. I learned that in flashing the cards, it should be in snappy for enable the learner become attentive and can think abruptly.
I conclude, that using a flashcard is an effective way on how the learners interact the lesson presented. The flashcard that is being presented must be related with the topic discussion so that it will add an interest to the learners about the discussion matter.
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