Thursday, December 19, 2019

Flashcard Reflection

A flashcard or flash card is a card bearing information on both sides, which is intended to be used as an aid in memorization. Each flashcard bears a question, number or a picture on one side and an answer on the back part of the card. During the making of my flashcards, it is not really that difficult for me to make because I have already the idea on what topic I am going to use through flashcards. Also, I printed the pictures so what I did was only cutting the pictures out of the paper. After cutting the pictures, I covered the entire picture with a scotch tape to make it more durable. But I made an extra careful in taping the flashcard because it might damage the entire card if it is not properly tape. The topic I chose in presenting a flashcard was not that difficult, in fact it is predictable when the learners saw the pictures, they easily guessed. I learned that in flashing the cards, it should be in snappy for enable the learner become attentive and can think abruptly.
I conclude, that using a flashcard is an effective way on how the learners interact the lesson presented. The flashcard that is being presented must be related with the topic discussion so that it will add an interest to the learners about the discussion matter.

Contrived Experience Reflection

Contrived Experience is edited version of direct experiences, design to simulate to real-life situation, examples are model, mock up, objects, specimens, games and simulation. Together with our group we decided to make a contrived experience about an ecosystem.
During the making of contrived experience, I felt excited on what would be the outcome of our group activity. I felt like we are a scientist at that time because we are experimenting things we don’t usually do. One of the things I never forget together with our group was the time we looked for a styro cup as one of our materials needed to make an ecosystem through contrived experience. I did not hesitate, I asked some customers inside the food court for their cups after they finished drinking. I feel no shame during that time. What’s on my mind during that was to finished the contrived experience on that day because in our group we are all working students, so we need to finished the activity as soon as possible.  The activity was interesting. We collaborate our efforts, ideas though there were some materials lacking because of abrupt decision to make out of it. But, at the end we created the activity with much fun though it takes time to create an ecosystem but after seeing the result of our contrived experience, all our efforts were paid off. We come up with a beautiful and creative ecosystem out of not so expensive materials.
I conclude, before doing the activity make it sure that all materials are ready and accessible whenever there are materials are lacking. The ideas also must be concrete. If you decide to make any contrived experience or any activities, you should not make out of the plan activity for enable not to waste the time in thinking again with other ideas. The next time if I am going to make a contrived experience or any activities, it should be in line with my interest or through curiosity why I come up with an idea so that the result would be more creative, adventurous, and knowledgeable for all types of learners.

Comic Strip Reflection

Comic strip is a series of adjacent drawn images, usually arranged horizontally, that are designed to be read as a narrative or a chronological sequence. Words may be introduced within or near each image, or they may be dispensed with altogether.
My experienced in making a comic strip was a bit disappointment. I took 3 nights to make the whole story. The time I decided to have a hard copy of the story I made from the Pixton site, I was so disappointed. I wasn’t able to produce or print the copy because the account that I used was already locked out. I don’t know what to do during that time. I looked for different ways how to unlocked my account in Pixton but there’s no other way. All I did was, I screenshot each slide and made a copy out of the screenshots I took. I felt relieved afterwards seeing the result because it looks like an original one. I realized that anything we make through the use of any websites, we should have a copy send to our personal account, for example the Gmail account in order to track a copy in case the site we use is for trial only.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Flash Card

         We all use different processes to understand the information that is given to us, and that’s why teachers aim to reach all the different types of learners. Flash cards are a great tool for visual learners because they are bright, illustrative and colorful. They make an impact.Flash cards are a really handy resource to have and can be useful at every stage of the class. They are a great way to present, practice and recycle vocabulary and when students become familiar with the activities used in class.

When it comes to language learning there are countless methods and tools to help students understand the target language.

Between digital blackboards and flashy apps, the humble flash card remains the king of effective language learning.


        Since we are all wired differently, the learning tactics and methods that are effective will vary with each individual. Using Flash Cards is the best way in Teaching, in order to them to give attention and easy to recall the word or activities in each individual.
When it comes to children and toddlers, flashcards help children improve their knowledge and ability to understand and improve visual memory.

Children are not known for their ability to focus, so flashcards make it easier for educators to provide small pieces of information in a memorable and interesting way.
        It is important for teachers to reach all learners in a classroom. Therefore, the use of teaching aids facilitates this objective by assisting teachers in differentiating instruction. Using aids such as graphs, charts, flashcards, videos, provides learners with visual stimulation and the opportunity to access the content from a different vantage point.
         This gives each learner the opportunity to interact with the content in a way which allows them to comprehend more easily.
         Teaching aids like Flashcard help to make the learning environment interesting and engaging. As we move toward a more digital society, kids are being exposed to technology and digital devices at a younger age. Video games and iPods are now what’s exciting to students, so when they come to school they have little patience for lecture style teaching.
        Students are seeking constant excitement and simply have no tolerance for boredom. Teaching aids are improving the quality of education in today’s schools while also providing students with the sense of excitement they desire.
      Teaching aids are becoming the norm in the classroom. As traditional classrooms with blackboard and chalk become a thing of the past, and smart classrooms become the norm, teaching aids are growing in popularity and advancement. Blackboards are being replaced with white and smart boards. TVs are being replaced with LCD projectors and screens. And educators are becoming more focused on students growing with technology and integrating it into the curriculum.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Issues on Information and Communication Technology

Issues On ICT

a. Freedom of expression and Censorship 
b. Privacy and Security
c. Surveillance and Data Retention
d. E-Pollutants from E waste 

1.  I learned that, 

            a.   The Freedom of expression and Censorship has an interaction between technology and the person used. It gives individuals the ability to publish and receive information, participate in social media and share knowledge. User choice and control, which allow individuals to decide what to say, publish and access online, are essential parts of protecting free expression rights. It participates in a free flow of information and ideas with others across the world. How do we prevent violate basic human rights such as the rights to privacy? Simply, not to inform or put any fully personal information, even in social media like facebook or any social media nowadays. 
             b.   The Privacy and Security is very much significant in our society, why? It’s because Technology has overall made life easier and has made things a lot less private. This results in us having to be extra careful with security on the internet. Internet security is important to protect our privacy, protect us from fraud, and from viruses that could destroy a piece of our technology. To minimize the risk of any disclosure or loss of confidential data, it is important to understand where the risks are, and implement office management practices and appropriate technology to ensure all of your data remains confidential and secure.
                   c.  The Surveillance and Data Retention, by the help of ICT it gives to the learners benefits, by securing their activities in any website they want to visit
               d. The E-Pollutants from E waste stands for electronic waste such for example computers, cell phones, printers and television. E-waste is unwanted or unused electronics that are no longer in use. E-waste has concerns, because of the various poisons and how they do not dissolve easily. It consists of many toxic chemicals that are detrimental to environmental health and human well-being. The main cause of e-waste is the improper recycling of e-waste which leads to the slow accumulation of electronics in landfills, poisoning our environment.


      2.   I realized that,
a)    I want to enhance my skills and more knowledge of freedom of expression and censorship, in order for me to share to the learners soon on how to prevent and protect the issues of social media nowadays, in every time they visit any sites that they have encountered.

b)    We made things a lot less private in social media. For us we must aware the privacy security to ensure all of our data remains confidential and secure.

c)     There is a lot of ways on protecting Data of information of an individual. And it is important for us to remain secure to protect from fraud.

d)   We must know the proper recycling of e-waste which leads the accumulation of electronics in landfills and less poisoning in our environment.

                3.      I Plan that, 
                            a.   I will teach to the learners on how the proper way of using technologies. I will them what are the advantages and disadvantages in using king of social media.
                           b.   I will teach the learners how was the privacy and security is very much significant.
                          c.   I will give my all information and knowledge when it comes to technology, in order for them to protect and give the right information in visiting any sites nowadays.  
                         d. I want to inform the learners that the E-waste consists of many toxic chemicals that are  detrimental to environmental health and human well-being. Teach them how
the proper recycling of e-waste